Apache ActiveMQ ™ -- REST protocols
Developers > Developer Guide > Design Documents > REST protocols
There are many ways to map JMS to REST...
Crappy non-REST
Send via
POST /queue/Destination
GET /queue/Destination
This is bad as the GET is not idempotent. We can add a user ID or use a cookie
GET /queue/Destination?jsessionId=....
though a caching proxy may keep returning the same message
Simple REST using 1 at a time delivery
Subscribe via
POST /subscribe/consumerId/Destination
POST /unsubscribe/consumerId/Destination
Then get messges via
POST /nextMessageForMe/consumerId
If you want to acknowledge messages you then
POST /ack/consumerId/messageId
Batch message REST
POST lockNextMessage/consumerId?max=10
-> give back up to 10 message URLs
GET message/consumerId/messageId
acknowledge them via
DELETE /consumerId/messages/messageId
Further options...
You can include ACK messages inside the POST; so the 2nd POST could include the ACKs - also you could return the batch of messages as well.